In Which Chicken Admits to Viewing Altogether Too Many TED Talks…..

Hi all, I know, I know, Where is Chicken, I’m sure you’ve been wondering, or maybe not, but rest assured, all is very well. Here’s an old post from 2010 that I hope you’ll enjoy. It’s never too late to change a little bit.

Chicken's Consigliere

Hi World,

This morning when I opened my eyes, too early, I was thinking about ripples. 

Not the potato chip kind of ripples, although those are also very good.

No.  I was thinking about what might happen if I did things 10% differently today than I usually do them.  I’m not sure where the 10% came from.  I’m just telling you what I was thinking. 

In fact, what if we ALL did things 10% differently today than we usually do them?  What would happen? 

Maybe, we’d each cause a ripple in the energy around us, and that ripple would travel out away from us, eventually encountering someone else’s ripple, resulting in a joint ripple that would go rippling into some other ripples…

That’s a lot of ripples, World.  Pretty soon there would be ripples everywhere.  Maybe even a wave.  Maybe a psychic tsunami!

And then what would happen?  Would the…

View original post 425 more words

  17 comments for “In Which Chicken Admits to Viewing Altogether Too Many TED Talks…..

  1. Judith Blacquier
    March 13, 2015 at 11:06 am

    — LOVE IT !! AND yes, the sky might fall…. or the world might be tipped upside down….. go there now, little chicken …..bend over and look between your legs and what do you see? i just tried it. everything looks different, but it’s still the same. instantly, a new world appears, or, at the very least, A NEW PERSPECTIVE !! rock on, little chicken !! xxo
    p.s. my chiropractor does not recommend a forward bend too early in the morning without warming up ….. he said our heads are so big, that the weight ,as we tip forward, torque’s our spine out of balance !!

    Liked by 1 person

    • March 16, 2015 at 2:07 am

      Hi Judith-funny, my chiropractor says the same exact thing! You rock on yourself:-) We’ll end up in traction together.


  2. jenny_o
    March 13, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    I am totally enthusiastic about doing this. I am stuck in a rut so deep I can’t see out. Of course, I am a shorty, so it doesn’t take much. BTW, Geo. commented over at t’other – t’original – post. There. I wouldn’t usually have pointed that out. No. That’s a lie. I totally would have pointed it out. Sigh. This might be harder than I thought. Will report back.


    • March 16, 2015 at 2:08 am

      Hi Jenny-you are someone that can be relied upon to always do the right thing:-) Hopefully 10% differently:-)


      • jenny_o
        March 17, 2015 at 3:10 am

        I have to be honest, Chicken, I only made it to 2.5% this time around. But the idea is stuck in my head now, and that’s a good thing.


      • March 18, 2015 at 1:19 am

        Change it, my little Jenny, and things will start rippling. I think. I’m really only up to about 2.5% myself, but I’m hopeful.


  3. Doug in Oakland
    March 13, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    Well corrugate my potatochip, the Chicken posted again! Hi Chicken!


    • March 16, 2015 at 2:10 am

      Hi Doug, are you a rippled chip man or a smooth chip man? Lately I find myself drawn to the delectable and under represented waffle chip. It’s a waffle, it’s a chip, it’s a waffle chip.


      • Doug in Oakland
        March 16, 2015 at 6:57 am

        I had to go to the Google to find out what a waffle chip was… They look interesting. They kind of remind me of the Terra vegetable chips we used to distribute at a place I worked. I liked your idea of ripples, by the way. I’ve had a similar view of good and bad behavior for a long time. Like crime doesn’t just affect the victim, it affects everyone they know or come in contact with, going through society in ripples of negative energy. But the same is true for good behavior, and the positive ripples can reinforce one another, meaning that often a simple kind gesture that took one person less than one minute, can improve the whole day for multiple people who interact with its recipient. Which may not seem like that big a deal, until you consider the limited number of days we all have on this here planet…

        Liked by 1 person

      • March 18, 2015 at 1:17 am

        Hi Doug-so funny you should say that about crime and the negative ripples. (what would a negative ripple look like? An inverted ripple? Creepy. They should have put that in “The Omen”, right? Like Damien is out skipping rocks on the lake after he pushes his nanny down the stairs or whatnot, and all the ripples from his stones are inverted. But I digress.) What I was thinking about is ISIS and how everything they do creates hate and how, if we could bring ourselves to do it, we could all put aside the negative and try to see their side, how so many of them felt marginalized, maybe, or bleak about their future, and how if we all just could focus on sending positive energy their way, maybe we would get a different result, eventually, than more evil. How do you spell marginalized?


  4. March 16, 2015 at 3:30 am

    Many thanks to Jenny_o. I had no idea I was commenting 5 years into the past. Felt good, really. I was only a boy of 60 then. Surely I make more sense now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jenny_o
      March 17, 2015 at 3:05 am

      Dang it, Geo., I wish I had thought of that and commented over there too!

      Liked by 1 person

    • March 18, 2015 at 1:25 am

      It felt good commenting five years in the past, too, Geo. Like a scene out of Coccon. I might take another dip tonight. Feel like coming along, y’all?


      • jenny_o
        March 18, 2015 at 2:36 am

        I don’t get why your time is two hours ahead of ours, Chicken. It’s 11:36 pm on March 17 here and I though we were as easterly as you could get on the continent, except for Newfoundland where it’s currently 12:06 am on March 18 …


      • March 18, 2015 at 3:21 am

        Hi Jenny-it is 11:20 here right now this very minute. I don’t think we are two hours ahead. I think WordPress might be messing with us.


  5. jenny_o
    March 18, 2015 at 2:38 am

    * thought

    And I should have added, it’s obviously magic caused by all those ripples and commenting in the past and stuff 🙂


    • jenny_o
      March 18, 2015 at 3:10 am

      * three * hours ahead. D’oh.


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