Chicken Forum

Hey there, World:

I hope you are doing well.  I started out the day thinking about a good post subject for tonight.  Around 11 am I remembered an idea from my pre-blog life that I always thought would make a good blog subject. By 5pm I had forgotten it.  I think it was good, but I have to accept that if it is gone it wasn’t meant to be.  Onwards.

So I started perusing all the blogs out there hoping one would strike me and inspire something that I could express in “Chickanese”. For the first time, I made extensive use of the “next blog” link at the top of my page.  I noticed a couple of things:

1.) There are really not as many humor blogs out there as you would think (or at least as I thought).  There are many that are very family oriented and probably meant just for family members. I feel a little like Gladys Kravitz on these blogs, peeking out from behind her curtains getting the lay of the land in order to report it later at a dinner party over a manhattan (two cherries please).  I try not to look too closely.  Then there are the younger generation blogs, which are way interesting but bring out too much of the mother hen instinct in me.  In other words, I want their cell phone number and I want to know what time they are planning on being home tonight.  Too much anxiety, thanks so much.

2.) When I do find a blog I like, I never can seem to find enough information about the blogger to suit me.  I want to know the real deal.  Who are you? What motivates you?  I want pictures, dammit.

My favorite part of blogging is the comment section.  You write something, you post it, and you wait for the world to come back to you.  They tell you what they think.  Lively conversations with folks you really do not know, and some you do, ensue, and it is so stimulating.  I can understand Emily’s loneliness, for there was no blogspot in her day.  No way for that introverted genius to post her letter to the world and wait for the support and understanding that surely would have come.  I believe she would have been less morose in this day and age. 

Anyway….that leads me to tonight’s post.  Let’s play Bloggy games.  Rudolph, you are definitely invited.  We all want to know where that red nose came from. And non-blogger buddies, I hope you will also join in.

I have questions. Fun ones, though. If you have a question, you can post it and within reason (why do I always need a qualifier?  Why don’t I just say I will answer anything and then proceed to ignore whatever I don’t want to answer?) I will answer.

1.  What writer/musician/other inspires you the most and why?

2.  What is your favorite speech/book/song of all time?

3.  What “celebrity” do you admire and why?

4.  If you are familiar with Myer’s-Briggs typology, what is your type? (if you are not familiar, here is a link you can go to:  Myers Briggs Type )

5.  In the words of somebody great who was not me, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

6.  If you were a cartoon/superhero character, who would you be and why

7.  What makes you happy?

8.  What makes you sad?

9.  Who do you look like?

10.   What do you find most endearing about yourself?

I hope you’ll play because I want to know. You know I have an enquiring mind and I’ve outgrown my fondness for shark attacks.  So be sarcastic, humorous, serious, or whatever.  Answer all the questions, answer one.  It is up to you.

Now it is your turn and……..5,4,3,2,1, we’re on

Chicken out

  18 comments for “Chicken Forum

  1. Red
    March 28, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    1. What writer/musician/other inspires you the most and why?

    Lot of these. I'll go with Gretchen Wilson. She was serving drinks in bars at 14, got pregnant later on, dad left, made a lot of money, and THEN went back and got her GED.

    2. What is your favorite speech/book/song of all time?

    He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones

    3. What “celebrity” do you admire and why?

    Sandra Bullock. She has a natural beauty that is rare in Hollyweird. A Talented actress, and always classy.

    5. In the words of somebody great who was not me, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

    Write a novel

    6. If you were a cartoon/superhero character, who would you be and why

    The Pink Panther. Because he is one cool dude

    7. What makes you happy?

    birds singing in the morning, sun shining through palm fronds, midday rains, the sound of the ocean

    8. What makes you sad?

    Seeing an odd (instead of even) number of geese.

    9. Who do you look like?

    The Redheaded Stepchild

    10. What do you find most endearing about yourself?

    my laugh


  2. March 28, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    Hi Red: What great answers. I love that George Jones song, as well. I'm curious about your answer to number 8. If the number of geese is odd, does that mean one goose died? Have a good day. You could write a novel. I know you could.


  3. Red
    March 28, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    Canadian geese mate for life. They are almost always seen in pairs. There have been cases where one was injured, and it's mate stayed behind with it while the rest of the flock went on. Often resulting in the “nurse” goose's death. 😦


  4. March 28, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    Hello Chicken! Loved your reference to Mrs Kravitz!

    I'll answer #7. What makes me happy is sitting with my family and friends at a dinner party at my house and just listening to all the conversations going on. I also love it with I go into a room and hear my two sons just talking, brother-to-brother. My oldest is at college, so it doesn't happen very often, so I treasure it when it does.

    Have a great day!


  5. March 28, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    BB-love the observation about listening to your sons talking together and how that makes you feel happy. I get that same feeling when mine are together.


  6. March 28, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    Red: I didn't know that. Now I'll always be counting geese and hoping for a positive number.


  7. Anonymous
    March 28, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    1. What writer/musician/other inspires you the most and why? Jennifer Weiner/James Taylor/My husband.

    Why: When I read Jennifer's books it's like sitting with a friend you've known your entire life and she is sharing her day with you. She inspires me to always look for the comedy rising out of the tragedy. No matter what mood I am in, a song from JT can always brighten my day. He's overcome mental illness (severe depression) to bring joy to others. I shudder to think where I would be today without Big J. Love him more today than I did yesterday.

    2. What is your favorite speech/book/song of all time?

    Who I am (Check out the song/lyrics)

    3. What “celebrity” do you admire and why?

    4. If you are familiar with Myer's-Briggs typology, what is your type? (if you are not familiar, here is a link you can go to: Myers Briggs Type )ENTJ.

    5. In the words of somebody great who was not me, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” I have a great idea for a television show.

    6. If you were a cartoon/superhero character, who would you be and why? Josie, from Josie and the Pussy Cats. I'd like to be a crime-solving rock star.

    7. What makes you happy? Unexpected kindness.

    8. What makes you sad? Jealous people who feel so insecure about their worth that they have to exact destruction on others in order to feel superior.

    9. Who do you look like? I'm the spitting image of my father.

    10. What do you find most endearing about yourself? Hardest question to answer. I'll leave that up to you.



  8. March 28, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    Hi, Chicken.
    Aren't you going to answer your own questions?
    I'll answer a few… My favorite song right now, and something that makes me happy, is “I'm Yours” by Jason Mraz… I admire Emily Deschanel because she seems really down to earth and makes an effort to stay out of the press, because she's beautiful but chose to do a character role, and because she's committed to animal rights. And I look like everyone's best friend's little sister, and sometimes like a poor man's Naomi Watts. Later.


  9. March 28, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    Okay, Chicken, here goes:

    1. What writer/musician/other inspires you the most and why? Writer- would have to be a toss up between David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs, because they write like the author I want to be. I worship these 2 men. Musician-Bono. Because I have loved him since the first day I heard his soaring voice in the 80's, long before anyone knew who a Bono was. And because he has taken his fame and power and turned it into good works. And because he's still a hot Irish man after all these years. Other-Would be my Dad and the honorable way he lived his life. I hope I make him proud up there in heaven.

    2. What is your favorite speech/book/song of all time? I'm pretty sure speech would have to be Reverend King's I Had A Dream. And book that is so hard, because books are my candy, but I'd have to say Joan Didion's-The Year of Magical Thinking

    3. What “celebrity” do you admire and why? See number 1. Also because he has the prettiest blue eyes in the world.

    4. If you are familiar with Myer's-Briggs typology, what is your type? (if you are not familiar, here is a link you can go to: Myers Briggs Type. I'm an ENFJ. I guess I'm all about the Feeeeelings, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa Feeeelings.

    5. In the words of somebody great who was not me, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” I would hit the submit button right now to this agent I'm planning on submitting to first.

    6. If you were a cartoon/superhero character, who would you be and why I don't think I'd want to be a superhero, (too much pressure), but I sure would like to be Ironman's assistant, Pepper. To be around Robert Downey, Jr all the time? Rrrrowwww.

    7. What makes you happy? My girls under one roof. My husband and a bottle of good red wine with a sunset. My dogs even though they're still little assholes. My writing.

    8. What makes you sad? Losing loved ones. Illness. Global poverty. Sick little ones. Miley Cyrus's singing.

    9. Who do you look like? I have been told I look like Annie Lennox.

    10. What do you find most endearing about yourself? I hope it would be my ability to make my friends and family laugh.


  10. March 29, 2010 at 12:00 am

    INTJ, last time I was tested.

    I answered some of these in my “About Me” – seeing as I'm narcissistic enough to think people care. 😉

    Some others:

    I look like a very plain jane. I am 5'7, size 4, long brown hair, green eyes that are sometimes blue.

    If i could do anything, knowing i couldn't fail, I'd walk away from my current year and be a writer.

    If i were a superhero/cartoon character, I would be a powerpuff girl. because they're awesome.

    I'd have to think on some of the others. And, i can't name favorite songs, bands, books, etc. i have too many. 🙂

    PS – totally with you on using the pancake. i expect to see it posted soon.


  11. March 29, 2010 at 12:08 am

    CB: I love JF, JT, and JB was my first instructor and I loved him, too. And I may be letting the cat out of the bag but he talked about his wife constantly:-)Josie makes sense. I will check out the song. I think I knew you were ENTJ. To me your most endearing quality is your ability to see the big picture, always, and to be everywhere at once, accomplishing so much, and making everyone feel supported and loved.


  12. March 29, 2010 at 12:19 am

    Lucky Punk. OK. I may have to cut short and come back, but I'll start. I love Alice Hoffman and Bruce Springsteen for being able to make “normal” people special. I am an INTP. My favorite song changes constantly, but tonight I am thinking about Diana Krall's version of “I could drink a case of you” (can't remember the real name. I'll paste it on the site tonight. It is haunting). I admire Dennis Quaid. I know. That makes no sense. I just think he doesn't take himself too seriously. I also love Oprah although I think she takes herself way too seriously:-) Oh. And Martin Strel. Long distance swimmer. Look him up. CRAZY guy. Cartoon character. Probably Linus or Scooby Doo. I like to be more in the background, not in charge, and I'm usually along for the ride. I'm the laidback yet fearful one. Listening to music, particularly something I used to love and haven't heard in a long time, makes me happy. A kick back Sunday with nothing going on makes me happy. Hormones make me sad. Perimenopause makes me crazy. My child-like silliness and conviction that everything will be all right if I trust in the good in people endear me to myself. If I knew I could not fail, I would write songs and play the guitar. And sing.


  13. March 29, 2010 at 12:22 am

    Joann and SS, I am coming back for you:-)


  14. March 29, 2010 at 1:25 am

    current year is supposed to be current career, btw.


  15. Anonymous
    March 29, 2010 at 2:02 am

    You're very sweet Chicken. BigJ says hello! I think your best trait is your ever present optimism. (Pretty much what you said.)


  16. March 29, 2010 at 10:26 am

    SS-posting the pancake today. I'll think of something good. Luckily, you can write and still maintain your current career, right? When the time is right you can make your move.

    Joann: I think you look like Annie Lennox, too. I was also thinking Sting's wife…is it Trudy?


  17. July 26, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    Thanks for such an interactive blog, Chicken! My ego loves a chance to strut given any chance at all.

    1. What writer/musician/other inspires you the most and why? Seal – because he once said that he doesn't include the lyrics to his songs in his CD's because what a person hears is what they hear and that's more important than forcing what he had in mind on their appreciation (paraphrased in a big way!). And because, have you seen him? Yummy!!! Love the scars!

    2. What is your favorite speech/book/song of all time? I'm not cultured enough to now any speeches but Atlas Shrugged is my all time favorite book because of it's anthem of self-reliance and that Life is to be celebrated!

    3. What “celebrity” do you admire and why? Katharine Hepburn – that lady was classy!!!! Great movie roles, great life, and great quotes:

    4. If you are familiar with Myer's-Briggs typology, what is your type? (if you are not familiar, here is a link you can go to: Myers Briggs Type). ENTJ (but very low on the Thinking – which is easy to beleive if you've ever met me)

    5. In the words of somebody great who was not me, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Be a politician – but, before you “boo” – like Mr. Smith goes to Washington.

    6. If you were a cartoon/superhero character, who would you be and why? Xena. She's cool, rides a horse, doesn't need any fake superpower to kick ass, and hangs out with Gabby who's kind of cute.

    7. What makes you happy? Intelligent converstaions and game night.


  18. October 8, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Hi Bea Girl-are you still around? I just came across this and see that I never responded. So I 'm responding now. Three years later. I know. Do you still live in Germany? How are things going?


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